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Translations in Livestream

In the spirit of the transnational exhibition "Exchange Rates Bushwick," the artist/translator/organizer Paul D'Agostino hosted "Renderings: Encounters & Translations" last Sunday at Livestream Public in Brooklyn. Now, thanks to Livestream, we can watch the full "series of readings and presentations of translations rendered, translations encountered, translations variably treasured."

Dara reads Kafka at 25:45 & Valery at 1:07:55. She is joined on stage by Paul, Matthew Rossi, Alice Lynn McMichael, Andrea Monti, Todd Portnowitz, and Cecco the Turtle. 

One of Paul's assignments was to compare translations. Dara picked "Les Pas" by Paul Valéry. Here is the original:
Les Pas
Tes pas, enfants de mon silence, 
Saintement, lentement placés,
Vers le lit de ma vigilance
Procèdent muets et glacés.
Personne pure, ombre divine,
Qu'ils sont doux, tes pas retenus!
Dieux!... tous les dons que je devine
Viennent à moi sur ces pieds nus!
Si, de tes lèvres avancées,
Tu prépares pour l'apaiser,
A l'habitant de mes pensées
La nourriture d'un baiser,
Ne hâte pas cet acte tendre,
Douceur d'être et de n'être pas,
Car j'ai vécu de vous attendre,
Et mon coeur n'était que vos pas.

Here is Dara's translation of "The Steps"

The Steps

Your steps, children of my silence,
Sacred, slowly placed,
Proceed icy and silent
To the bed where I wake.

Body pure, spirit divine,
How sweet, your discreet steps!
God! Every gift I find
Appears on naked feet! 

If, with your advancing lips
You prepare to appease me,
Consuming my thoughts
With the food of your kiss,

Do not hasten this tender act,
So sweet to anticipate,
Because I lived waiting for you,
And my heart was the steps you take. 

 And here is Paul D'Agostino's translation of the same poem, which he calls "Footsteps"

Saintly, slowly placed
Are your footsteps, those quiet kids,
Unto the bed where I lie awake,
They approach with muted skids.
Holy shade, person so pure,
Your paces so soft and sweet!
Dear god, the gifts I conjure
Coming to me on those bare feet.
And if, upon your lips
You pucker at their tips
The nourishment of your kiss
To sate my mind's hungered fits,
Let it be not an act of swiftness,
Sweetness of being and being not,
For I have lived to await your footsteps
That give form and beat to my heart.

For  commentary, here is James's coverage of the event in 140 characters or less



READING: Encounters & Translations


Join Dara Mandle and other readers this Sunday, October 26, for "Encounters & Translations," a special event to mark the conclusion of “Exchange Rates: The Bushwick Expo.”

Starting Thursday, October 23, "Exchange Rates” is an attempt to expand Bushwick's cultural conversation from within. Paul D’Agostino of Centotto and Stephanie Theodore of Theodore:Art, two Bushwick stalwarts, have paired with London-based Sluice_  to place thirty international galleries within twenty Bushwick venues. The four-day collaboration will carry the neighborhood’s DIY approach to an event of broad scope, with a special Beatnite gallery Friday

In the spirit of the transnational exhibition, Paul D'Agostino is hosting "Renderings: Encounters & Translations" 4:30 Sunday afternoon with a "series of readings and presentations of translations rendered, translations encountered, translations variably treasured."

"Renderings: Encounters & Translations"

Sunday, October 26, 4:30pm

Livestream Public
195 Morgan Avenue
Brooklyn, NY, 

Presented by Centotto
Organized by Paul D'Agostino

Dara Mandle
Matthew Rossi 
Alice Lynn McMichael
Andrea Monti
Todd Portnowitz

This event is free and open to all.


The Livestream for this event is now online! Dara reads Kafka at 25:45 & Valery at 1:07:55, on stage with Matthew Rossi, Alice Lynn McMichael, Andrea Monti, Todd Portnowitz, and Cecco the Turtle. A perfect ending to Exchange Rates Bushwick. 




Eighth Annual Young Poets' Evening at the National Arts Club


Dara writes:

On Monday, April 7, 2014 at 8pm, I am delighted to host the eighth annual evening of young poets at the National Arts Club. This year's event brings together four poets who, in different ways, engage the visual arts in their work: Rachel Eliza Griffiths, Dan Magers, Farrah Field, and Jared White. The reading is free and open to the public and takes place in one of New York's coolest clubs. I hope you will join us for this special evening.

Be sure to RSVP here. 

Rachel Eliza Griffiths
Rachel Eliza Griffiths, a poet and visual artist, teaches at Sarah Lawrence College and lives in Brooklyn. Her forthcoming collection of poetry, Lighting the Shadow, will be published by Four Way Books in 2015.

  Dan Magers

Dan Magers’s first book of poems, Partyknife, is published by Birds, LLC. He is co-founder and co-editor of Sink Review, an online poetry journal, and founder and editor of Immaculate Disciples Press, a handmade chapbook press focused on poetry and visual arts collaborations. He lives in Brooklyn.

Farrah Field
Farrah Field is the author of the 2009 book Rising and Wolf and Pilot, out in 2012, both from Four Way Books. Two of her poems were selected by Kevin Young for the Best American Poetry 2011.

Jared White
Jared White published two chapbooks in 2013, This Is What It Is Like To Be Loved by Me from Bloof Books and My Former Politics from H-NGM-N Books; both are permanently available to read online. Together, Farrah and Jared run the small-press poetry bookstore Berl's Poetry Shop.

Thank you Alice Palmisano of the literary committee of the National Arts Club for supporting poetry and particularly this event for eight years running.
